Mern Stack Developers - Aparajayah

Product Code : Mern Stack Developer

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Category: Other
Price :   15000.00

MERN Stack is a framework for web development. Its working components are MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS. Here's a breakdown of what each of these components does in the MERN stack when building a web application:

MONGO DB: The application data is stored in a document-oriented, No-SQL database.

EXPRESS JS: A framework built on top of NodeJS that allows you to build a website's backend using Node JS functions and structures. Express JS was created because Node JS was designed to run JavaScript on a machine rather than to create webpages.

NODE JS: The runtime environment for Java Script.It's a programme that runs JavaScript on a computer rather than in a browser.

REACT JS: Facebook has developed a library. It's used to develop UI components for the single-page web application's user interface.

The user interacts with the React JS UI components at the application front-end in the browser, as depicted in the diagram above. The Express JS frontend, which is built on top of Node JS, is served by the application backend, which is hosted on a server. Mean Stack Developers