Polished Stainless Steel Sheets

Product Code : MET100027

Brand : Metline
Category: Metals, Alloys and Minerals
Price :   200.00    198.00

In addition to our inventory of #4 and #8 mirror finish sheet, Penn Stainless can provide a number of custom options to meet specific customer requirements including polishing both sides of the sheets, long grain finishes, non-directional stainless steel sheet finishes, #6 finish, #7 finish or per customer request.

Stainless steel plate polishing is an important process for manufactures and architectural applications. Polishing stainless steel plates creates a uniform and consistent surface finish–vital for tank manufactures and OEMs supplying products to the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.  Penn Stainless inventories polished sheet, plate and some structural items in #4 finish and a #8 mirror finish.

The stainless steel is cold rolled, softened and descaled, similar to the process of a 2D finish. It then receives a final light pass on polished rolls known as a  ‘pinch pass’. The steel remains gray in appearance, but the final pass on polished rolls produces a smoother, brighter surface than  2D finish. This is a general purpose, cold rolled finish; it is suitable for a wide range of stainless steel applications and wide range of subsequent polishing processes, such as satin finishing. Typical uses for 2B finish include non-decorative or functional sheet metal products, industrial refrigeration equipment, chemical plant and plumbing fixtures.



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