Product Code : ZL 1

Brand :
Store Number : 9810614238 (Click to call)
Price :   700000.00    500000.00

Zipline is also popularly called Flying Fox. It is a way of traversing distances, even valleys by a pulley which is attached to a cable. The cable is mounted on an inclined and the user is propelled by gravity. This is really an effective way of coming down from an higher altitude to lower grounds. Traditionally Zip Line Was used to transports equipments and supplies through rough terrains. Though military still uses it to transport heavy machinery from high places to lower lands; now a day’s Zippline is mostly used for Adventure Sports.

Zipline rides can be short and low for children in the playground or back yard. . Long, high and fast zip lines are for real adventures and thrill seekers and are operated by professional adventure companies. A few zip lines around the world are known to reach speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour, and some are more than 1,000 feet above the ground.

We can create a Zipline set up according to the need of the client and availability of space. It is also possible to make very thrilling setups even in smaller space. We specialize in working closely with the clients in finding solutions to their in every situation.